Why Do We Have An International Education Day?

Today is the International Education Day. Do you know that poverty, peer pressure, early marriage, unwanted pregnancy, negligence, rape, ignorance, being their family’s burden bearers, and lack of parental care are parts of the challenges hindering girl child education in Nigeria? The gap is wide but today is a reminder to join our hands together[…]

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TheNigeriaWeWant is not so far from us but if we keep looking at the wrong places, our vision will only get blurry. In December 2022, the Nigeria Youth Futures Fund, and LEAP Africa with support from Ford Foundation and MacArthur Foundation Launched a youth-centred grant and HEIR Women Hub was selected as one of the[…]

Intentional Leadership – 5 points to consider in becoming an intentional leader

“The more intentional you are about your leadership growth, the greater your potential for becoming the leader you are capable of being. Never stop learning.”- John C. Maxwell I am currently involved in a leadership project that explores the leadership journeys of some key persons and in one of my meetings, I spoke to an[…]

Are you experiencing a glitch in chasing your goals? – This 5 Ds will help you score big

I had a look at my vision board. A reflective look. My brain reminded me that June is the 6th month in this year, equally splitting the year into half. I could see some goals on my board have been achieved and some, still work in progress. It is important to keep my drive levels[…]

Are you a learner? – Increase your learning with this 3 actions

I find that positioning yourself to recognise that you are in a constant place of learning may not be easy but will be worth it. It is easy to know a few things and call oneself an “expert’ in the field of that knowledge however the reality is that innovation is happening every minute. What[…]

What is the Hiring Manager looking for?

What is the Hiring Manager really looking for at the Interview? Congratulations on getting an interview, it means you at least have your foot in the door and it’s now the time to make that count. A little fidgety, nervous and butterflies, that is okay. You got this! You have prepared by applying for this[…]

Work Wisdom – How to hold it down in a male-dominated industry.

Many industries have more women in entry level positions than men. Very few women make it to the equity, partnership and high level management roles. It can be tough to think about and to also see it play out over and over again however getting wound up about it alone will not change the status[…]

#Self Love – 4 steps in achieving true self acceptance.

The mantra,  #SelfLove (hashtag self love) is one trend we can’t get enough of. Loving all of you is a very fulfilling experience and one sure way to achieve some sort of balance in your life is to be deliberately strategic about loving yourself. Loving yourself is something that I find can never reach its[…]

7 Investments To Make In Yourself Before The Year Runs Out.

No one could predict that this year, 2020, would be the year that would question what we know to be normal. The year has been one that has pushed boundaries and set a different expectation for everyone globally. The last quarter of the year is here and as uncertain as it may seem, we can find[…]