Historicising Women Leadership- King Ahebi Ugbabe. The Woman who became King.

Discovering and studying the life of a King called Ahebe Ugbabe, first woman who became King, first woman to become a Warrant Officer during colonial interruptions, first woman to act in the capacity of a King in a Kingdom in  Igbo land and perform male centered norms such as masquerade and wife marrying, brought an ambivalence in present day reality of women’s exclusion in leadership. An ethnographic discovery by Chinua Achebe’s daughter, Nwando Achebe, this history brought about layers of knowledge and rich historical information about women who lead

Gender and Religion- Can religion re-position women? 

Today, religious tenets differ from doctrine to doctrine. Treatment of women and men follow certain rules that emphasises the dominance of powers over women and religion upholds and guards this. Women are treated differently in bodies they carry, expectations vary depending on class difference. Institutions of power have written the tenets from religion, into their organisations policy. Politics and entrepreneurship have reinforced the exclusion of women in positions of leadership. And why won’t they, you just need to look across the country to realise that women are not in leadership positions of religious and traditional institutions.

Intentional Leadership – 5 points to consider in becoming an intentional leader

“The more intentional you are about your leadership growth, the greater your potential for becoming the leader you are capable of being. Never stop learning.”- John C. Maxwell I am currently involved in a leadership project that explores the leadership journeys of some key persons and in one of my meetings, I spoke to an[…]

Are you a learner? – Increase your learning with this 3 actions

I find that positioning yourself to recognise that you are in a constant place of learning may not be easy but will be worth it. It is easy to know a few things and call oneself an “expert’ in the field of that knowledge however the reality is that innovation is happening every minute. What[…]

Work Wisdom – How to hold it down in a male-dominated industry.

Many industries have more women in entry level positions than men. Very few women make it to the equity, partnership and high level management roles. It can be tough to think about and to also see it play out over and over again however getting wound up about it alone will not change the status[…]

Five barriers to gender equality in the formal workplace – What young women aspiring into career positions should know.

I recently read a report done by McKinsey Global Institute titled “The Power of Parity – Advancing women’s equality in Africa and the barriers mentioned are key to note because women experience barriers to career climb differently from men. Read the 5 barriers from this report on how to expand your understanding and arm you[…]

7 Investments To Make In Yourself Before The Year Runs Out.

No one could predict that this year, 2020, would be the year that would question what we know to be normal. The year has been one that has pushed boundaries and set a different expectation for everyone globally. The last quarter of the year is here and as uncertain as it may seem, we can find[…]

Become a transformational leader with HEIR Women Development’s Leadership Drive

HEIR Women Development is 4 years old and our story begun when we saw the need to educate girls and young women to become decision makers and consciously think leadership. The current reality that women face in attaining leadership positions is huge, unemployment figures negatively affects women, education is yet to be a priority for[…]

Increase your intellectual capacity – try these 5 steps.

I recently attended a graduation dinner to celebrate the outstanding achievement of a young lady who graduated from a Law faculty with a first class and not only that, she also graduated as the best graduating student in the entire school. This 21 year old young woman and I met a few years ago when[…]

5 Ps you can adapt that will boost your career immediately.

DISCIPLINE. Most of us will agree that the first thing that the military instils is discipline. The military life is one I am privileged to know and grow up in and if you have any idea about how they operate from a work mindset perspective, you will understand that there absolutely is a lot of[…]