So you got the job!! Now what? – 5 steps to help you settle into a new role

That call comes through, the one you have been waiting for, and it says “Congratulations. You got the job”. The moment you feel is so exciting and exhilarating and you cannot stop the joy. Many job seekers have experienced this and for some reason, focus more on the good news than planning on how to[…]

5 ways to make you the best employee

A new month befalls us and you have taken another glance at your goals. Are you thinking about getting ahead in your career? Or do you feel like you need to be noticed and command the attention of your boss and colleagues? An employee that can get the attention he/she needs is one who takes[…]

10 skills to develop during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Global trends show that the job market, businesses and careers will be the most difficult to navigate and perhaps, the most challenging that we have seen in our lifetime. While it is great to have expert skills and experience, there are other skills that can also help to better navigate productivity as we modify survival[…]

What is the Hiring Manager really looking for at the Interview?

Congratulations on getting an interview, it means you at least have your foot in the door and it’s now to make that count. Attention and Preparation From your countenance to the tone of your voice, the hiring manager can detect how prepared you are for the interview. Every second counts from stepping into the door[…]

3 simple changes to get your CV noticed

I recently trained a group of youths on Digital Skills and one aspect of the session I am always passionate about is getting yourself noticed by creating the right impressions. The Curriculum Vitae or CV or Resume has evolved and with the changing phase of technology, you need to keep your CV evolving too. 3[…]

Why you should ask the employer questions at the end of a job interview

Most job seekers I have interviewed barely make it to the second phase of the recruitment process because they do not appear to have deep interest on the job they are applying for. As a professional, I recommend asking questions about anything to do with the role you are being recruited for so that you[…]

To volunteer or not to volunteer, that is the question!

Have you read or been told that you are not suitable for the role because you lack the relevant work experience required?  There are many ways to get work experience when your CV says you have none and one sure way to get that needed experience for your career climb is engaging in volunteering opportunities.[…]

Turning your weakness into strength in a job interview

Every professional talent manager knows how to determine what will suit the organisation that he/she is recruiting for. Job interviews are designed to know as much as possible about the candidate in other to make an informed decision to hire or not to hire. At my recently completed Hire ME Bootcamp, a participant needed to[…]

HELP!! I am overqualified.

One of the questions asked by a listener on a radio talk show discussing about the challenges of finding a job in Abuja was the issue of being overqualified. An applicant was not successful because he was overqualified for the job he applied for. Recruiters/hiring managers have varying reasons why they choose not to hire[…]