5 ways to make you the best employee

employeeA new month befalls us and you have taken another glance at your goals.

Are you thinking about getting ahead in your career? Or do you feel like you need to be noticed and command the attention of your boss and colleagues?

An employee that can get the attention he/she needs is one who takes responsibility.

Why do you need to get attention?  Your career climb depends on how hard you work and how well you get involved enough to be remembered at all times.

Here are 5 ways to be the best employee

  1. Be indispensable – While working at London Stock Exchange, a colleague shared this tip with me. Be the one that is reliable and dependable. Let your name be the first thing that comes up for projects, solutions or even work lunches.
  2. Develop soft skills– knowing the technical aspect of your role is very important. But having a soft skill is essential. You work with people and finding out the soft skills you need to move within the organisation shines your person and efforts. Try developing and improving your people skills, creative thinking, communication skills, listening and how to handle and resolve conflicts.
  3. Remain relevant and current – information is always in realtime. Keep yourself abreast with what is happening within your organisation, current affairs, and what is of general interest to everyone around you at work.
  4. Be visible – why not join your colleagues for an out of work hours drink? Socialising is part of getting yourself noticed at work. Go out and feel the pulse of your work mates, relate to them on a personal level as well and know that they are also human.
  5. Don’t be afraid of more responsibilities – this is also a major quality of a high flyer. Taking on tasks and delivering them as well is a sure step to being an exceptional employee. This is not about getting yourself inundated with a lot of work that gets you cranky. It’s about getting involved with projects that will develop you, expand your growing skills, strengthen your professional network and get you the desired nod you deserve.

Need more tips and support? Send us an email or tweet at us. We are listening!

Picture Source- www.TyQuotes.com

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