3 simple changes to get your CV noticed


I recently trained a group of youths on Digital Skills and one aspect of the session I am always passionate about is getting yourself noticed by creating the right impressions.

The Curriculum Vitae or CV or Resume has evolved and with the changing phase of technology, you need to keep your CV evolving too.

3 simple changes you need to try:

  1. Get creative and use Infographics –This is a bold way to use pictures and words to communicate yourself. In getting your CV noticed among a pile of other equally relevant applications, you need to do what everyone else isn’t yet doing. Check online for sites like Picktochart and Canva to show you how to get your CV revolutionised.
  2. Start with your achievements – After you introduce your CV, a recruiter will immediately see what you are able to deliver to the job by reading a quick and sharp summary about what you have accomplished in your career or other areas in your life. Do not ramble on at this section. Let your statements clearly describe and articulate without repetition.
  3. Social Media Handles– Do not underestimate the power of social media. Why not add a link to your LinkedIn account? Showing your professional career on sites like this gives your recruiter an assurance that what you say on your CV are true. I would caution here that you ensure your social media handles can sell your skills and talents professionally too.

Use what will add value to your CV. Make it an unforgettable read and have fun while re-creating it.

To your success!


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Picture quote source from www.horizonscareersolutions.com

Follow us on twitter @heirwoman for more tips on getting yourself noticed in the career world.


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