CAPACITY BUILDING FOR WOMEN. Capacity building is the improvement in an individual’s or organization’s facility “to produce, perform, or deploy. Wikipedia) United Nations defines c Capacity building is the process of developing and strengthening the skills, instincts, abilities, processes, and resources that organizations and communities need to survive, adapt, and thrive in a fast-changing world.[…]

The ED’s Desk- Visualise Your 2024.

Welcome to 2024. I do hope you are looking forward to a spectacular year. My team and I are thrilled to begin this year with addition to our team and more project portfolios. 2023 was kind and we expect an overflow in 2024. One resonating action in rounding off the previous year was conducting a[…]

Intentional Leadership – 5 points to consider in becoming an intentional leader

“The more intentional you are about your leadership growth, the greater your potential for becoming the leader you are capable of being. Never stop learning.”- John C. Maxwell I am currently involved in a leadership project that explores the leadership journeys of some key persons and in one of my meetings, I spoke to an[…]

Are you experiencing a glitch in chasing your goals? – This 5 Ds will help you score big

I had a look at my vision board. A reflective look. My brain reminded me that June is the 6th month in this year, equally splitting the year into half. I could see some goals on my board have been achieved and some, still work in progress. It is important to keep my drive levels[…]

So you got the job!! Now what? – 5 steps to help you settle into a new role

That call comes through, the one you have been waiting for, and it says “Congratulations. You got the job”. The moment you feel is so exciting and exhilarating and you cannot stop the joy. Many job seekers have experienced this and for some reason, focus more on the good news than planning on how to[…]

5 Ways to handle Job Rejection

Breaking into the career market was a struggle for me in my earlier days of searching for a job. I had just completed my Project Management certification and had minimum experience in this field. Moreover, the career market was saturated with equally qualified experts who had more experience and better looking CV than I had.[…]

Work Wisdom – How to hold it down in a male-dominated industry.

Many industries have more women in entry level positions than men. Very few women make it to the equity, partnership and high level management roles. It can be tough to think about and to also see it play out over and over again however getting wound up about it alone will not change the status[…]

Become a transformational leader with HEIR Women Development’s Leadership Drive

HEIR Women Development is 4 years old and our story begun when we saw the need to educate girls and young women to become decision makers and consciously think leadership. The current reality that women face in attaining leadership positions is huge, unemployment figures negatively affects women, education is yet to be a priority for[…]

6 Leadership Qualities for a Future Reality

A lot of what we know has changed drastically and this holds true to the narrative that ‘the only constant thing in life is change’. We need to rethink the realities we all once knew and begin to readjust our mindset to better adapt to the inevitable future that is always changing. How we approach[…]

COVID-19 Trends. So you want to be a MENTEE?- 10 rules to check your eligibility

Mentoring is a delicate yet rewarding relationship between two people. It serves the purpose for one person (usually the mentor) to share skills, experiences and professional connections with another person (usually the mentee). A mentor –mentee relationship is one that is built on trust, transparency and collaboration. The benefits of being a mentee can be[…]