Enabling Violence – How Society Normalises Workplace Sexual Harassment 

A major concern with underreporting is that it worsens the behaviour as it further pushes the boundaries of misconduct, perpetuating a cycle of abuse and non-accountability. 


– Education: For many years, there has been a notable increase in education of women globally but how has it upgraded women’s economic contributions? According to a UN report, Studying, upskilling, and re-skilling throughout one’s life, notably to keep up with rapid technological and digital transformations affecting jobs, is vital for women’s and girls’ health[…]

Invest in Girls’ Rights: Our Leadership, Our Well-being” the theme for Day of the Girl, 2023, resonates with me very strongly as one who has championed and advocated for leadership and decision-making roles for young women and girls.

In trying to unpack this theme, I reflected on the power dynamics and relations in order to try to re-think a realistic and sustainable possibility of reimagining girls as future leaders. Some institutions of power, discipline, and orientation across platforms have settled on projecting a discourse and the normalization of who a leader is (or[…]

5 ways to make you the best employee

A new month befalls us and you have taken another glance at your goals. Are you thinking about getting ahead in your career? Or do you feel like you need to be noticed and command the attention of your boss and colleagues? An employee that can get the attention he/she needs is one who takes[…]

COVID-19 Trends. So you want to be a MENTEE?- 10 rules to check your eligibility

Mentoring is a delicate yet rewarding relationship between two people. It serves the purpose for one person (usually the mentor) to share skills, experiences and professional connections with another person (usually the mentee). A mentor –mentee relationship is one that is built on trust, transparency and collaboration. The benefits of being a mentee can be[…]

COVID-19 Impacts on Employability Skills

Employers need candidates who can show and implement certain key skills required to contribute to an overall company and organisational goal. Employability skills are required for anyone to get, keep and maintain a successful career. The purpose of this training manual is to list and guide you on the types of skill set that you[…]

Vision Boards – What can you see?

I have always learnt to write down goals I want to see achieved in my notebook. It has become essential for me and has helped me clearly articulate thoughts floating around in my head. Creating a vision board came a few years ago and infact, I have done the vision board creation in the last[…]

Goals Temperature Check- How well do you prepare for your goals?

You would have noticed that the year is well into the 1st quarter of 2019, if not almost over. So how are your goals looking from your side of things? One key aspect of goals is to be sure you prepare. Preparation puts you and your goals in a clear and right state of mind.[…]

Thrive woman, thrive!.

Happy Women’s Month! I joined a book club, Books and Dessert Book Club, made up of only women readers and have been super inspired by every woman’s individual uniqueness. Surrounded by intelligent and yet witty and fun souls keeps adding to my very positive perspective of a power tribe of women. March is always a[…]

Build Career Confidence – Register for this Seminar

Do you struggle with confidence? Has lack of confidence cost you your career? Would you like to have a better career footing this 2019 with an improvement in your self-confidence? Sign up for this online session on Career-Fidence with leading HR and recruitment experts and Learn  -Why self-confidence is important for your career growth –[…]