Five barriers to gender equality in the formal workplace – What young women aspiring into career positions should know.

I recently read a report done by McKinsey Global Institute titled “The Power of Parity – Advancing women’s equality in Africa and the barriers mentioned are key to note because women experience barriers to career climb differently from men. Read the 5 barriers from this report on how to expand your understanding and arm you[…]

#Self Love – 4 steps in achieving true self acceptance.

The mantra,  #SelfLove (hashtag self love) is one trend we can’t get enough of. Loving all of you is a very fulfilling experience and one sure way to achieve some sort of balance in your life is to be deliberately strategic about loving yourself. Loving yourself is something that I find can never reach its[…]

7 Investments To Make In Yourself Before The Year Runs Out.

No one could predict that this year, 2020, would be the year that would question what we know to be normal. The year has been one that has pushed boundaries and set a different expectation for everyone globally. The last quarter of the year is here and as uncertain as it may seem, we can find[…]

Become a transformational leader with HEIR Women Development’s Leadership Drive

HEIR Women Development is 4 years old and our story begun when we saw the need to educate girls and young women to become decision makers and consciously think leadership. The current reality that women face in attaining leadership positions is huge, unemployment figures negatively affects women, education is yet to be a priority for[…]

Leadership – Character, Competence and Capacity

In 2013, Sheryl Sandberg started the trend ‘get a seat at the table’ and it has been used to further elaborate and explain the importance of being able to get yourself seen and most importantly, heard. Success is relative and a really great combination or mix of excellent grades coupled with great attitude and an[…]

Increase your intellectual capacity – try these 5 steps.

I recently attended a graduation dinner to celebrate the outstanding achievement of a young lady who graduated from a Law faculty with a first class and not only that, she also graduated as the best graduating student in the entire school. This 21 year old young woman and I met a few years ago when[…]

6 Leadership Qualities for a Future Reality

A lot of what we know has changed drastically and this holds true to the narrative that ‘the only constant thing in life is change’. We need to rethink the realities we all once knew and begin to readjust our mindset to better adapt to the inevitable future that is always changing. How we approach[…]

10 skills to develop during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Global trends show that the job market, businesses and careers will be the most difficult to navigate and perhaps, the most challenging that we have seen in our lifetime. While it is great to have expert skills and experience, there are other skills that can also help to better navigate productivity as we modify survival[…]