Renewable Energy – Maximizing opportunities to include women

I developed new insights into the world of renewable energy – challenges the nation still face and most importantly, the gaps that still exist for the inclusion of women. The women in renewal energy leadership workshop, organised by the Clean Technology Hub, co-founded by Ify Malo, brought to light significant disparities that exist in the[…]

The Courage to Lead – A Webinar on Leadership

“In the future, there will not be female or male leaders, there will be only leaders” – Sheryl Sandberg. Join me and Linda Rogers- Nwakobia as we facilitate this webinar titled ‘The Courage to Lead”. Women Leadership and Empowerment Network in partnership with HEIR Women Development, presents this interactive online session, where we discuss how[…]

When you feel underwhelmed, try these..

I am learning that everyday is not going to give you the same doze of happiness. It is critical that we find a way to contain all the emotions and reactions we encounter. Our careers aren’t left out too as I find that some days are so much better than some. F For those ‘down[…]

Vision Boards – What can you see?

I have always learnt to write down goals I want to see achieved in my notebook. It has become essential for me and has helped me clearly articulate thoughts floating around in my head. Creating a vision board came a few years ago and infact, I have done the vision board creation in the last[…]

Goals Temperature Check- How well do you prepare for your goals?

You would have noticed that the year is well into the 1st quarter of 2019, if not almost over. So how are your goals looking from your side of things? One key aspect of goals is to be sure you prepare. Preparation puts you and your goals in a clear and right state of mind.[…]

Thrive woman, thrive!.

Happy Women’s Month! I joined a book club, Books and Dessert Book Club, made up of only women readers and have been super inspired by every woman’s individual uniqueness. Surrounded by intelligent and yet witty and fun souls keeps adding to my very positive perspective of a power tribe of women. March is always a[…]

Build Career Confidence – Register for this Seminar

Do you struggle with confidence? Has lack of confidence cost you your career? Would you like to have a better career footing this 2019 with an improvement in your self-confidence? Sign up for this online session on Career-Fidence with leading HR and recruitment experts and Learn  -Why self-confidence is important for your career growth –[…]

Maximizing your leadership

In every person, there is potential for leadership. Despite this latent ability lying below the surface, there are very few individuals who realize this power and fewer still who have responded effectively to the call. As a result, our nations, societies and communities are suffering from an astounding leadership vacuum. The essence of leadership is[…]

Women and Leadership – Challenges to women rise in Leadership

Let me share an online publication I stumbled into. “While the world is evolving, women are still lagging behind when it comes to leadership roles in business. Today, only 26 women are in CEO roles at fortune 500 companies, making up 5.2% of the female population, according to a report by Pew Research. The stats[…]

Women and Leadership : Leadership and Transformation

Becoming a leader begins with accepting responsibility to first lead yourself and then moving on to leading others. There is no telling the huge impact a woman would have on her society who has mastered the art of personal leadership. This is exceptionally true because the bedrock of national transformation is personal transformation just like[…]