Gender and Unemployment- A National Issue

Analysing unemployment and underemployment figures require a more nuanced approach to determine the causative factors that has generated a multi-dimensional poverty status. Nigeria requires the work from her population to meet National and Global living conditions. This remains a National Issue.

Tackling Gendered Economic Equity in Nigeria.

ddressing these disparities is crucial for fostering a more inclusive and sustainable business environment. Environment of business scalability is also expensive to run with bills, taxes, resources that at are competent with capacity, infrastructure and security requires evaluation when reviewing loans and funding for women led businesses. 


Nigeria has a growing – working population that are youth centred, the unemployment and underemployment figures according to National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), increasing year on year, also shows that women are significantly impacted more than men. The gender implications for women in security, poverty, health, leadership and political representation, is on the rise. While a solution is to create an environment that nurtures everyone inclusively, the economic interventions are still limiting and its impact affects women’s economic power.


It’s time to recognize and celebrate the crucial role that women play in economic development. From contributing to household income to making their own financial decisions, these powerhouse women are not only boosting their autonomy but also empowering their communities. Moreover, with increased visibility in the workforce, women are taking on a greater role in[…]


– Education: For many years, there has been a notable increase in education of women globally but how has it upgraded women’s economic contributions? According to a UN report, Studying, upskilling, and re-skilling throughout one’s life, notably to keep up with rapid technological and digital transformations affecting jobs, is vital for women’s and girls’ health[…]


FACTS ABOUT YOUNG WOMEN’S PARTICIPATION IN LEADERSHIP 1. Global percentage of young women participation in politics is 22.5% 2. African participation of young women in leadership is 23.4% 3. Nigeria’s participation of young women in politics is 6.7% 4. The world gender gap is 63.9% 5. Some causes of the gender gap in female participation[…]

44% of Young Women Are Limited By Career Barriers- Survey Results from Nasarawa State, Nigeria, Confirms.

HEIR Women Hub recently ran a research titled Addressing Gender Barriers against Young Women Career Development in Nasarawa State. This was made possible with the support of the Nigerian Women Trust Fund. When we asked the young women we interviewed on their personal experiences on Gender barriers we got some important information. In terms of[…]

How Can Young Women Access Funds and Investments Today- A Meta/Instagram Discussion.

Join us for our first discussion of the year as we speak about Engaging the right Resources to Building Economic Justice for young Women. Can the disparities in gender be fixed? Of course. This discussion promises to be very engaging. It’s happening live on our Facebook page @heirwoman. This is brought to you by HEIR[…]

Is There Economic Injustice?- HEIR Women Hub with Support From African Women’s Development Fund, Launches Project to Survey Funding Intersections for SMEs for Young Women in FCT.

According to a World Bank 2019 report, women contribute 37% of the Global GDP despite representing almost half of the world’s population. Gender inequalities can be called out as a major factor in this. The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals will remain a shadow if young women still encounter gender disparities. If Goal 5 of the[…]

Economic Injustice – Addressing the Inequality to SMEs Funding for Young Women.

Towards the end of 2024, HEIR Women Hub started a project with the support of the African Women Trust Fund (AWDF) The economic disparity women face in Nigeria sees women as under-represented and underfunded. According to  Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Women’s Report (2016/2017), 1 in 4 women start or manage a business in Africa with $42[…]