Our Thematic Focus and Concerns

Leadership: HEIR Women Development and HEIR Women Hub believes that women and young women are powerful change agents. The far-reaching benefits of development through gender parity in leadership and decision-making must be increasingly recognized. Our mission is driven by the need to improve the positioning of women and young women as leaders and decision-makers at[…]

What we are committed to

To improve the social and economic capability of women, youths, and other vulnerable groups for their self-reliance and sustainable national development. To support full and equal participation of women and young women in political, civil, economic, social, and cultural life, at the national, regional, and international levels in Nigeria. To empower and mobilize women and[…]

The Future of Work- 5 evolving skills required for the workplace.

CHANGE! It is a constant phenomenon, inevitable and progressive in nature and can elude you or leave you behind. Experts have studied change and it’s impact on many areas and find that it is ideal and wise to keep oneself aware of the changing world. You may remember when the smart phone wasn’t this smart[…]

Intentional Leadership – 5 points to consider in becoming an intentional leader

“The more intentional you are about your leadership growth, the greater your potential for becoming the leader you are capable of being. Never stop learning.”- John C. Maxwell I am currently involved in a leadership project that explores the leadership journeys of some key persons and in one of my meetings, I spoke to an[…]

Do you have work ethic?

Professionalism/Work Ethic is defined as demonstrating personal accountability and effective work habits, e.g., punctuality, working productively with others, time workload management, and understanding the impact of non-verbal communication on professional work image. The individual demonstrates integrity and ethical behavior, acts responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind and is able to learn from[…]

“It is important to me that every girl who is science inclined embraces her dreams with a sprout mindset rather than a rigid mindset”- Engr. Ekenimi Umoh. S.T.E.M Career Advocate

Engr. Ekemini is an Electrical Engineer with 5 years career experience in electrical project designs and supervision. Ekemini is passionate about women enlightenment especially in the engineering sector where few women practice in Nigeria despite the interventions to address gender gap and believes that women if accorded the opportunity will contribute immensely to the growth[…]

Are you experiencing a glitch in chasing your goals? – This 5 Ds will help you score big

I had a look at my vision board. A reflective look. My brain reminded me that June is the 6th month in this year, equally splitting the year into half. I could see some goals on my board have been achieved and some, still work in progress. It is important to keep my drive levels[…]

So you got the job!! Now what? – 5 steps to help you settle into a new role

That call comes through, the one you have been waiting for, and it says “Congratulations. You got the job”. The moment you feel is so exciting and exhilarating and you cannot stop the joy. Many job seekers have experienced this and for some reason, focus more on the good news than planning on how to[…]