Femicide – The destruction of the Rights of Females in Nigeria

Many scholarly definitions of femicide speak to the killing of women and girls just because of their gender – being a girl or woman. The Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) space, utilise this framing of femicide and limit the conceptualisation of “killing a woman’ to be a sudden or physical death often[…]

Historicising Women Leadership- King Ahebi Ugbabe. The Woman who became King.

Discovering and studying the life of a King called Ahebe Ugbabe, first woman who became King, first woman to become a Warrant Officer during colonial interruptions, first woman to act in the capacity of a King in a Kingdom in  Igbo land and perform male centered norms such as masquerade and wife marrying, brought an ambivalence in present day reality of women’s exclusion in leadership. An ethnographic discovery by Chinua Achebe’s daughter, Nwando Achebe, this history brought about layers of knowledge and rich historical information about women who lead

The Status on Gender – A Nigerian Observation

While the imposition of gender on our Nation had negative intentions, we can transform this into a positive change and utilise it as a “check” on meeting the needs of us all- men and women. The Gender ideology we have today should be challenged so that as a concept, it can be used to transform our society to be inclusive of the representation of us all. 


There’s still a business development and financial literacy education gap in orientation of start ups and scaling sustainable businesses in Nigeria. While these loans can be a way to support women in businesses, there are factors that still limit Economic Justice such as CAC registration, Tax, Human Capacity, Resources, Security, NAFDAC, Advertising Agency Fees, and then Leadership. Nigeria has more to do, to show accountability and commitment to give women, and push benefit realisation and economic advantage women led businesses bring. The social norms and expectations of women in Nigeria and the economics of Care, are areas that require addressing and long term interventions. 

Gender and Unemployment- A National Issue

Analysing unemployment and underemployment figures require a more nuanced approach to determine the causative factors that has generated a multi-dimensional poverty status. Nigeria requires the work from her population to meet National and Global living conditions. This remains a National Issue.

Symptoms of Social Norms – A Nation on Pause

A society that has raised girls to not think outside societal responsibilities, shy away from leading, silenced or shamed by structures of power will be impacted by material representation of them. Historically, this was not the norm as we have had (and still have) women who challenged and changed norms.  Before we see ample representation[…]

Are Male Chefs Richer than Female Chefs? – Power Dynamics in  Societal Expectations 

Adejoke Bakare got her Michelin Starred recognition for culinary skills at her restaurant – Chishuru. The first person to get to this level with 6 Michelin Stars was Eugénie Brazier- a woman. Media coverage was more for Alain Ducasse (a man) than Eugnénie Brazier.  Just as Rags Martel reported, Adejoke is the first black woman[…]


It’s time to recognize and celebrate the crucial role that women play in economic development. From contributing to household income to making their own financial decisions, these powerhouse women are not only boosting their autonomy but also empowering their communities. Moreover, with increased visibility in the workforce, women are taking on a greater role in[…]


Here are some myths about women’s economic roles; 1. THE MYTH: INVESTING IN WOMEN DOESN’T PAY. The truth: eliminating gender inequalities will increase global GDP. According to a recent McKinsey Global Institute analysis, if women play the same role in labor markets as men, the global yearly GDP may increase by $28 trillion, or 26%,[…]

How Can Young Women Access Funds and Investments Today- A Meta/Instagram Discussion.

Join us for our first discussion of the year as we speak about Engaging the right Resources to Building Economic Justice for young Women. Can the disparities in gender be fixed? Of course. This discussion promises to be very engaging. It’s happening live on our Facebook page @heirwoman. This is brought to you by HEIR[…]