The Power in Em-POWER-ment- The Nexus Between Language, Meaning and Application

EmPOWERment has embedded meaning in varying contexts. The word in itself can mean the positioning for a positive and progressive possibility. It can mean enabling either a person, economy or environment, to achieve objectives that seemed unattainable. Empowerment is being used as a language and terminology for the re-positioning towards an ideal, somewhat better and more profitable outcome. While this language and meaning can be nuanced, there is no denying the fact that empowerment and empowering is binary focussed.


Here are some myths about women’s economic roles; 1. THE MYTH: INVESTING IN WOMEN DOESN’T PAY. The truth: eliminating gender inequalities will increase global GDP. According to a recent McKinsey Global Institute analysis, if women play the same role in labor markets as men, the global yearly GDP may increase by $28 trillion, or 26%,[…]

How Can Young Women Access Funds and Investments Today- A Meta/Instagram Discussion.

Join us for our first discussion of the year as we speak about Engaging the right Resources to Building Economic Justice for young Women. Can the disparities in gender be fixed? Of course. This discussion promises to be very engaging. It’s happening live on our Facebook page @heirwoman. This is brought to you by HEIR[…]

Economic Injustice – Addressing the Inequality to SMEs Funding for Young Women.

Towards the end of 2024, HEIR Women Hub started a project with the support of the African Women Trust Fund (AWDF) The economic disparity women face in Nigeria sees women as under-represented and underfunded. According to  Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Women’s Report (2016/2017), 1 in 4 women start or manage a business in Africa with $42[…]